Run-in & screening inspection

SOMA run-in & screening inspection

A run-in inspection detects faults resulting from defective components, which would only occur under load and in varying temperature conditions. The temperature range within which a run-in inspection is conducted usually extends from -40°C to +100°C, whereby the products being tested are exposed for different dwell times at previously specified temperature levels and are inspected for proper operation.

The test software specially developed for conducting a run-in inspection allows freely definable test sequences. It can therefore be quickly adapted to changing test requirements or new products. All the relevant measuring data is continuously collated, reviewed for compliance with the tolerances and documented over the entire test. Ambient conditions like temperature and climate profiles are integrated into the test description.
Our expertise as a manufacturer of complete run-in test benches is based on many years experience in the use and interaction of suitable, temperature-resistant materials in the field of mechanics and test bench cabling as well as their integration into climate or temperature cabinets.

SOMA screening inspection

In test technology, the term screening is used for an inspection that provides information as early as possible on the probability of certain risk factors existing in as many specimens as possible. It is mostly seen as a preventative test, although the early detection of product defects is only possible by means of subsequent further analysis and testing if abnormal values should be detected.

Screening is understood as a systematic test procedure used within a defined test range – this usually consists of a large number of test specimens – to identify certain properties of the test objects.

Screening inspection is thus a targeted sieve test aligned to certain criteria.